Operational Clinical Trial Data Analytics

Up-to-date, real-time access to clinical trial data

Unified data are a necessary first step for comprehensive oversight and analytics.
The challenge

A biopharma sponsor had multimodal data spanning multiple clinical trials that could not be accessed in real-time. These data were fragmented across multiple sources and platforms with unique types and formats, including gaze tracking, facial actions, heart rate (ECG), electroencephalogram (EEG), actigraphy, labs, and patient reported outcomes (PROs).

Data complexity and a lack of real-time access presented roadblocks to interpreting clinical trial data, impeding the ability to make critical, time-sensitive decisions.

Our Solution

Our solution unified these multimodal data in real-time, avoiding the need to manage countless spreadsheets.

This enabled access to automated data visualizations, statistics, and advanced data science analyses.

Users are notified when new data is available and can explore via an intuitive web portal to enable more proactive and strategic interventions.

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