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World-class leadership at the intersection of Data Science and Biology
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Explore real-world examples of how we've partnered with clients to overcome challenges, drive growth, and achieve remarkable results. Each case study showcases our commitment to delivering tangible impact.
Featured Case Studies
Large Language Models + Life Sciences
Accelerating life sciences innovation with large language models
Harnessing LLMs to unlock new insights and opportunities.
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Digital Biomarkers for Complex CNS Trials
A data science platform to support biomarker discovery
Design and implement a generalizable platform to import, process and quality assure clinical trial data to support data science analyses.
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Intelligent Notifications & Smart Data Management
A clinical control tower for faster and more successful clinical trials
DHT Data Pipelines For Clinical Research
Digital health technologies integrated into the clinical trial workflow
Operational Clinical Trial Data Analytics
Up-to-date, real-time access to clinical trial data
Video Analytics + Mental Health
Create a digital biomarker platform for neuropsychiatric disorders
Clinical Trials + Digital Biomarkers
Next gen clinical trial data analysis for biomarker discovery
Population Subtyping + Exclusion Criteria
Assessing treatment efficacy and disorder subtypes in clinical trials
Video Analytics + Digital Health
Measure bias in emotion detection of underrepresented groups
Large Language Models + Life Sciences
Unifying biological knowledge for AI powered decision making in life science
Biomarker Discovery + Machine Learning
Predictive biomarkers for a liquid biopsy
Outcome Analytics & Biomarker Discovery
Identify biologically distinct biomarkers for clinical trials
Harmonize clinical trial data
Train models to predict study retention risk with AI/ML
Hypothesis Testing + Time Series
Analysis of health clinic KPIs to measure patient engagement and adherence
See How Vivo Transforms Data into Decisions
Transform clinical trials with OmniScience’s AI-driven platform, unifying real-time data for faster insights, reduced costs, and smarter decisions.
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